Young businessman smiling with arms crossed.
Businesses we grow

Mid-market companies

Whether you need to refinance, purchase or expand your portfolio, we have loan programs and product solutions that can help you move forward quickly.

You want growth, we can help

We have an experienced team across sectors that listens and works with you to achieve the financial stability you deserve. You benefit from our in-house knowledge. Together we can bring your future potential into focus.

Real estate loan options

You can secure the commercial financing you need to build, buy or bridge for your business working with our commercial real estate team.

Connect with our real estate team
Group of business people meeting.

Bridge financing

When you need on-book, large balance, senior bridge financing we can help. Loan terms are tailored to match your business plan, typically 3 to 5 years.

Business people meeting

Small balance financing

We provide relationship-focused community bank real estate financing for all asset classes; generally full or partial recourse; predominantly Southern and Central California. Terms up to 5 years.

Engineer in safety helmet with tablet

Construction financing

We work with experienced, well-capitalized sponsors in major U.S. MSAs. If you need large balance loans, with completion and carve out floating rates we should talk.

Worker with tablet with trucks in the background
Products and structures

Equipment leasing and finance

  • Capital leases (FMV/$1.00 purchase/balloon)
  • Equipment lines of credit for multiple assets and multiple take downs
  • Senior secured term loans
  • Lease discounting
  • Lease facilities (tax and non-tax leases)
  • Operating leases (FMV and synthetic leases)
  • Participations
  • Sale leaseback facilities and refinancing of used equipment
  • TRAC leases and split TRAC leases
Lender finance

You can work with us on portfolios and facilities

Speak with our lender finance team
Businessman holding mobile phone while sitting in office

Revolving and term note facilities

We finance credit facilities from $5 million to $100 million, or higher through syndication. You can depend on us to work with you and your team through every step of the process.

Businesswoman using a computer

Loan portfolio purchases

We purchase performing loan portfolios of any size across various industries, types and sectors. These portfolios can include financial services, receivables and more.

Two businesspeople looking at tablet

Our proven expertise

Whether you are in auto and consumer receivables, debt buyer finance or commercial loan portfolios, we have the knowledge to help you. Let our in-house team help you unlock the value of your business and your future.

Learn more about banking with us

We help you throughout your banking journey and provide the support you need to reach your goals.

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